Carsten Stahl
Carsten Stahl M.Sc. Data Science @ TU-Dortmund
Webdev @ R&S
Mail Me :)


Welcome to my portfolio website. This is my place, to share hobby projects, notes and augmentive material for upcoming tutorials.


  • Jun 2023 - Today: Webdev and Designer ~ R&S Informations- und Computersysteme
    • Relaunch of company website
    • Responsible for everything related to marketing

  • Feb 2022 - May 2023: Working Student and Intern ~ Ecolibro
    • Implemented, tested and used a tool for mobilityanalysis
    • Goal: find new and substainable ways for commuting to work

  • Oct 2021 - Feb 2022: Teaching assistant at Uni Bonn
    • lead some exercise sessions and helped students understand the material.


  • Oct. 2023 - Today: M.Sc. in Data Sciene ~ TU-Dortmund

  • Oct. 2019 - Sep. 2023: B.Sc. in Economics ~ Uni Bonn
    • Final Grade: 1.5 (German grading system) / 3.5 (US GPA)

Contact and Accounts

  • GitHub
    • A place to find hobby projects, R-Packages and additional lecture material

  • Kaggle
    • A place for everything, where cloud computing is required